Watching Washington in the Washington Post

A big surprise. Knew the article was coming -- but sure didn't expect the "A" section.
The folks at even included a clip from one of our videocasts here.
As for the story (sorry for burying the lead): It's a cool story about YouTube's explosion on the Internet video scene. Part of the lightening fast changes going on as video and broadband revolutionize the Internet.
Reporter Sara Kehaulani Goo interviewed me as part of a story about YouTube and videoblogging a couple of weeks ago. She and photographer Gerald Martineau even hung out with me for an hour or two one Sunday afternoon watching me tape and post one of my Watching Washington videocasts. I had a great time. For them -- it had to be like watching grass grow. Talk about suffering for your art. They deserve big points.
The line of the day from people at my day job -- who didn't know I do this: "You have a green screen in your house?" (WashPost)
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